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Eighth Avenue 487, New York 
Phone: +387643932728
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person behind the brand

Don’t cancel 2020, just yet…

Don’t cancel the year that woke you up.

What has this year meant to you?

It’s been a beautiful, colourful realisation that us humans can do anything. Working a 9-5 job is old, when you realise you can create a life out of the thing you love.

For me 2020 has woke me and my creativity. I stopped doing art for a while after leaving university. I got a low grade; my teacher was useless and I left just feeling like art isn’t something you can make money out of. My belief was ‘you had to live in London to make a creative lifestyle’.

Then I realised there were people around me making their dreams a reality. It made me think… Why am I any different? I’m not. The only thing that is different about me compared to a person living their dream lifestyle is my MINDSET. Once I discovered this was the solution to all my answers, I made art my life.

I had been at college for 4 years, university for 2 and I have worked 14 jobs by the age of 22. Did I feel I had achieved anything? Did I put in 100% effort when I was there? Did the extra work I was doing get appreciated? We’ve all been there, because this is life. It is what we are made to believe we have to do to become rich, but when you actually think about it, is it? Do you know someone who works 2/3 jobs and scrapes by to pay their bills? I know I do. Were led to believe working for someone else, aiming to get to a management role is the only way to make a decent living, but is it really the answer?

New Art Website

Through lockdown I launched my own website;, my own business and my own dream. I woke up happier than I had ever felt before, and this was because I knew life was about to take me on a new path. It was a path I was creating for myself and not for someone else for once.

My inspiration always come from nature, the outside world and my heart. I love to draw wildlife doodles, black and white art and any artwork that can be filled with pattern and passion. I also like to explore the unseen world through my art. For example, mermaid art, dragon designs and fairy wings are doodle designs I like to draw when I’m feeling a bit lost. It helps me remember that not everything has to be seen to be a reality, your mind is magical and you can make your own creations.